Polish National Catholic Church - Bookstore

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, P.N.C.C. (Mass Book)



The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, P.N.C.C.

Published by the National Commission on Liturgy
of the Polish National Catholic Church


Forward by Most Rev. Robert M. Nemkovich,

Prime Bishop, P.N.C.C.


Contents: Preparation for Confession; Examination of
Conscience; My Intention at Mass; Asperges; Vidi Aquam;
Hymn of Faith; Mass (Traditional, Bishop Hodur, Contemporary);
Hymn of Resolve; Hymn of the P.N.C.C.; Exposition of the Most
Blessed Sacrament

Copyright 2022 by P.N.C.C., Scranton, PA, fifth printing

5 1/” X 8 1/2”  soft cover book, 106 pages


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