About us

Our church is comprised of wonderful, faith filled believers.

We are a Catholic and Apostolic Church, preserving the faith, worship, structure and practice of the early Christian Church. Our doors are open to all and you are welcome to join us for Holy Mass and experience the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in your life.

Our P.N.C.C. Book Department Catalog contains many items you may purchase through our P.N.C.C. Book Department to help you learn more about our Church.  You may also use this convenient order form to purchase items.

Our Core Beliefs


God is one in three divine persons: the Father, who created it all; the Son, who died for our sins and rose from the dead; the Holy Spirit, who regenerates and sanctifies souls.

holy Spirit

The third person of the Blessed Trinity abides in the Church to teach, govern and sanctify its members.

Jesus Christ

The Son of God, who became man and died on the cross for our salvation, is always with believers who try to live according to His teachings.


It is the duty of every Christian to help establish God’s Kingdom on earth through the grace and virtue of love, justice and dedication to the will of God.

The Church

The Church is made up of baptized Christians who worship together, partake of the sacraments, hear and obey the Word of God.


The Holy Eucharist (Holy Mass) is the true central point of Catholic worship. The church expects all its members to join in the common worship of God and receive Holy Communion.

Human Beings

Human beings are the creation of a loving God. Each of us are to follow His teachings and live in accord to His will.

Our Church Teachings

Language of Worship

Masses are celebrated in the language of the people, so that all worshipers can understand God’s message.

God and Nations

God Wishes all nations to act together in brotherhood and justice.

Parish Owned Property

Church property is owned by the people who purchase, build and maintain it.

Working Together

The bishops work in concert to run the Church and together, with the Prime Bishop as first among equals make decisions on matters of faith, morals and discipline.


Divorce is not recognized, but a marriage may be dissolved by the Church.


Since 1921, bishops and priests have been permitted to marry.

Parishioner Involvement

Elected representatives of the laity are involved in the social and administrative decision making of the Church at every level.

Parish Committees exist within each parish and the Diocesan and Supreme Council of the Church.

Each parish is also represented by elected laity at Diocesan and General Synods where programs for the whole church are set and bishop-candidates are elected.

Our History


April 1 - Francis Hodur born in Zarki, Austrian-ruled Poland<span style="font-size: 1.0625rem; font-weight: 700; text-transform: inherit;


Ordination of Fr. Hodur to the Priesthood


Organization of the First Parish – St. Stanislaus Cathedral


Consecration of Francis Hodur as Bishop


100th Anniversary of St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Parish of the Polish National Catholic Church

The Official Symbol of Our Church

The book signifies the revealed Word of God
The sun signifies Freedom and Fervor
The cross signifies suffering and sacrifice for others
The palm signifies Peace

The motto of the Church is “Through Truth, Through Work, Through Struggle – We will triumph”
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